Listen, we get it; it's been a long day. You could use a pick-me-up. Really! You deserve it! And while you could head on over to the local coffee shop and wait in line for a delicious drink, there might just be an easier way. It only takes 5 minutes to shake up your day with Copycat Pink Drink: everything you love about the refreshing, creamy, and rosy-hued beverage with its delicate coconut and strawberry flavors can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own kitchen! If that's not rejuvenating, then what is? Copycat Pink Drink catches the eye with its looks, amazes with its ease, and delights with its taste!
- 2 tablespoons strawberry syrup
- 1/2 teaspoon Starbucks VIA™ Instant Refreshers, Very Berry Hibiscus
- 1/2 cup white grape juice
- 1/2 cup sweetened coconut milk
- 2 tablespoons freeze-dried strawberries
- 1 cup ice
Step 1 -Place all of the ingredients together in a cocktail shaker or a wide-mouth jar with a tight lid.
Step 2 -Shake until well-combined.
Step 3 -Pour the drink mixture into a cup and serve.